Wednesday, April 04, 2007


The Church

"We don't go to church, we are the church that meets in a building."

I heard this statement about two weeks ago and it keeps ringing in my ears. The idea that the building is not the church is something we hear everyday but does one's theology match their language. When your kids say are we going to church, what is your responce. I normally would say yes but now I am realizing we are the church. This is why people can have Film & Theology nights in their buildings because the building is not sacared, that was the Temple before Christ died.

Thank about how people's actions will change if they could realize they as Born Again Belivers are the church. There would be such freedom and possibly lives changed for the Kingdom of God because we are no longer living two separte lives but one. SBC churches are doing a horrible job reaching the lost world, and I am curious how much is contributed to the idea that we as Baptist do not match our language with our theology. If we love Jesus as much as we proclaim from pulpits, why do the people not live it on the outside? We are the church, not the building we meet in, the only way our lost world will want Jesus is if we the church are showing His love for them.

We can not be salt in a salt shaker and think we are doing good. Salt has to be poured out and used. Does your lanuage match your theology?

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