Monday, September 25, 2006


Different thoughts

AS i sit in the middle of my living room having a great time with God... I am so thankful for the family he has blessed me with. My wife and daughter are sleeping in the bed and I am able to meet with God on the floor of my house. In this meeting my mind is running continously.

I am currently on staff at a church in Ft. Worth Texas, and my mind is thinking about that location. I am constantly seeking wisdom on how to allow the people God has given me to grow as disciples to actually accomplish this task. Through my scripture reading, and sermon listening I am always looking for ways to get people to fall in love with my savior more. I never want to miss out on an oppurtunity for people to taste my God.

My mind is preoccupied with other events in life as well. As I am in Seminary and doing what I can to be the man God has called me to be, I can not help it that there is more to life than what people are living. My heart aches as I watch people go through life not desiring all of God. With that said that is why as I am in the thick of the preoccupation of education I hope that I can take what man has written, fliter it through the Word of God and become a minister that will challenge people to live a God life.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


God's Power

Last night was a great night with our college / youth group. Both services were great!

As I look back at the singles group I am so amazed that God is blessing me with these students. I say students when they are really young adults. I enjoy watching this generation get it about our God. THe idea that this is not about a bunch of dues and don'ts but a free realationship with God. I watched 40 young adults worship whole heartedly and just enjoy the presence of God. I am just curious what is going on in the rest of the christian world where people do not get the idea that Christ is involved in everything we do. THe idea that what we do outside of the church walls needs to be stuff we are willing to do infront of the church. True Christianity is not something where we give God a tip on Sunday, but instead we have to be enthroled with God every second of the day. Once we start doing that I am amazed because somethings will happen that can not be systematically discribed or worked out. God is so much bigger than our little mind and I am enjoying watching young people get it.


God's Power

Last night was a great night with our college / youth group. Both services were great!

As I look back at the singles group I am so amazed that God is blessing me with these students. I say students when they are really young adults. I enjoy watching this generation get it about our God. THe idea that this is not about a bunch of dues and don'ts but a free realationship with God. I watched 40 young adults worship whole heartedly and just enjoy the presence of God. I am just curious what is going on in the rest of the christian world where people do not get the idea that Christ is involved in everything we do. THe idea that what we do outside of the church walls needs to be stuff we are willing to do infront of the church. True Christianity is not something where we give God a tip on Sunday, but instead we have to be enthroled with God every second of the day. Once we start doing that I am amazed because somethings will happen that can not be systematically discribed or worked out. God is so much bigger than our little mind and I am enjoying watching young people get it.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Life is a Journey

I am so amazed how many times people think they have things so figured out. If this was so true then life would be so boring. I would like to challenge everybody who reads this or subscribes to this blog will join me on a journey through life. THis Journey will allow us to expand our knowledge of God, and everything dealing with HIs universe. Time to time I will expand on things going on in the news or in the church world and I would like to see people respond. Most of all I hope this will be a web page that will allow people to grow in their knowledge of God. Have a wonderful time and looking forward to comments later.

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