Monday, September 25, 2006


Different thoughts

AS i sit in the middle of my living room having a great time with God... I am so thankful for the family he has blessed me with. My wife and daughter are sleeping in the bed and I am able to meet with God on the floor of my house. In this meeting my mind is running continously.

I am currently on staff at a church in Ft. Worth Texas, and my mind is thinking about that location. I am constantly seeking wisdom on how to allow the people God has given me to grow as disciples to actually accomplish this task. Through my scripture reading, and sermon listening I am always looking for ways to get people to fall in love with my savior more. I never want to miss out on an oppurtunity for people to taste my God.

My mind is preoccupied with other events in life as well. As I am in Seminary and doing what I can to be the man God has called me to be, I can not help it that there is more to life than what people are living. My heart aches as I watch people go through life not desiring all of God. With that said that is why as I am in the thick of the preoccupation of education I hope that I can take what man has written, fliter it through the Word of God and become a minister that will challenge people to live a God life.

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